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How to Fix Coil Springs in a Couch? [Step-by-Step Guide]

by Info Mattress October 17, 2023 4 min read

How to Fix Coil Springs in a Couch? [Step-by-Step Guide]

Fixing a coil spring in a couch can be challenging, as it requires disassembling the sofa and working with small, delicate parts. However, with the right tools and a bit of patience, it is a repair that can be done by most people. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to fix coil springs in a couch:

Fixing the Coil Springs in a Couch- Things to Do

Let’s start!

Gather your tools:

To fix a coil spring in a couch, you will need a screwdriver, pliers, wire cutters, and a new coil spring. You may also need a hammer and chisel if the old spring is stuck.

Remove the cushions:

Begin by removing the cushions from the couch. This will give you access to the frame and the coil springs. If there’s an instruction manual that came along with the couch, then don’t hesitate to follow it.

Locate the broken spring:

Look for the broken spring by carefully inspecting the frame and the remaining springs. You may need to gently push down on the couch to identify any springs that are not functioning properly.

Remove the old spring:

Once you have located the broken spring, you will need to remove it. Use the screwdriver to loosen any screws or staples that are holding the spring in place. If the spring is stuck, you may need to use the hammer and chisel to gently tap it lose. Be careful not to damage the frame or the remaining springs.

Install the new spring:

Once the old spring is removed, you can install the new spring in its place. Begin by attaching one end of the spring to the frame using screws or staples. Then, attach the other end of the spring to the adjacent spring using wire or a spring clip.

Types of Couch Springs:

There are several types of couch springs that are commonly used in furniture construction:

  1. Sinuous or Zig-Zag springs: These springs are long, S-shaped springs that are connected to one another in a continuous loop. They are often used in the back and seat cushions of couches and chairs.
  2. Pocket springs: These springs are small, individual springs encased in fabric pockets. They are often used in high-end furniture and are known for their ability to contour to the body’s shape for a more comfortable sitting experience.
  3. Coil springs: Coil springs are made of wire that is coiled into a spring shape. They are often used in the seat cushions of couches and chairs and are known for their durability and support.
  4. Foam cushions: Some couches and chairs do not use springs, but instead are made with foam cushions designed to provide comfort and support.

Test the spring:

Once the new spring is installed, test it by gently pushing it down on the couch to ensure that it is functioning properly.

Reassemble the couch:

Once you have finished fixing the spring, reassemble the couch by replacing the cushions and any other components that you removed during the repair process.

What’s the Life Span of a Coil Spring?

The lifespan of a coil spring depends on a variety of factors, including the quality of the spring, the amount of use it receives, and the conditions it is subjected to. In general, a good-quality coil spring can last for several years or even decades with proper care and maintenance.

How to Enhance the Life Span of a Coil Spring?

There are several things you can do to extend the lifespan of a coil spring:

  • Use the spring within its rated load capacity: Overloading a coil spring can cause it to wear out prematurely. Be sure to use the spring within its rated load capacity to help it last as long as possible.
  • Protect the spring from corrosion: Exposure to moisture and other corrosive elements can cause a coil spring to rust and degrade over time. Protect the spring from corrosion by storing it in a dry, protected area and applying a rust inhibitor if necessary.
  • Lubricate the spring: Lubricating the spring can help to reduce friction and wear, extending its lifespan. Use a high-quality lubricant specifically designed for use on metal springs.
  • Replace worn or damaged springs: If a coil spring is worn or damaged, it is important to replace it as soon as possible to avoid further damage to the spring or the surrounding components.

How to Know If Coil Spring in Your Sofa Needs a Repair or Replacement?

There are a few signs that may indicate that a sofa coil spring is bad or in need of repair:

  1. Sagging: If the couch sags or feels uneven when you sit on it, it may be a sign that one or more of the coil springs is damaged or broken.
  2. Noise: If you hear a loud creaking or popping noise when you sit down or stand up, it could be a sign that the coil springs are worn or damaged.
  3. Visual inspection: You can also check the coil springs visually by looking for any signs of wear or damage. If the springs are corroded, broken, or otherwise damaged, they will likely need to be replaced.
  4. Uncomfortable sitting: If the couch feels uncomfortable or unsupportive when you sit on it, it may be a sign that the coil springs are worn or damaged.

If you suspect that your sofa coil springs are bad, it is important to address the issue as soon as possible to avoid further damage to the couch or the springs. You can try repairing or replacing the damaged springs yourself, or you can seek the help of a professional repair service.


So, you now know how to replace the coil springs on your couch. It’s better to keep an eye on the symptoms of bad coil springs, so you can repair or replace them at any time. Following the methods and video, you can easily fix coil springs in any type of sofa.